Results for 'Joseph A. Grau'

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  1.  33
    "Morality and the Human Future in the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin: A Critical Study," by Joseph A. Grau[REVIEW]Thomas W. Busch - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 55 (3):294-297.
  2.  26
    Comments on Joseph A. Bracken’s “Emergent Monism and Final Causality: A Field-Oriented Approach”.Joseph A. Bracken - 2004 - Tradition and Discovery 31 (2):27-30.
    Bracken synthesizes Polanyi’s notion of morphogentic field and Whitehead’s notion of societies of actual occasions. These comments emphasize the implications of the metaphors involved in these notions. The rnetaphor of plants growing in afield lies beyond the concept of a morphogenetic field, and the metaphor of a society of interacting persons lies behind the concept of a society of actual occasions. I suggest that one of the implications of this metaphor is that there is not, as Bracken argues, a problem (...)
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  3. Brentano's Uber Aristoteles* Joseph A. Novak.Joseph A. Novak - 1988 - Apeiron 21.
  4. Why Bioethics Needs a Disability Moral Psychology.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (3):22-30.
    The deeply entrenched, sometimes heated conflict between the disability movement and the profession of bioethics is well known and well documented. Critiques of prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion are probably the most salient and most sophisticated of disability studies scholars’ engagements with bioethics, but there are many other topics over which disability activists and scholars have encountered the field of bioethics in an adversarial way, including health care rationing, growth-attenuation interventions, assisted reproduction technology, and physician-assisted suicide. The tension between the (...)
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    A Profession Without Expertise? Professionalization in Reverse.Joseph A. Raho & James A. Hynds - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):44-46.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 44-46.
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    HCEC Pearls and Pitfalls: Suggested Do’s and Don’t’s for Healthcare Ethics Consultants.Joseph A. Carrese, A. H. Antommaria, K. A. Berkowitz, J. Berger, J. Carrese, B. H. Childs, A. R. Derse, C. Gallagher, J. A. Gallagher & P. Goodman-Crews - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):234-240.
    Members of the Clinical Ethics Consultation Affairs Standing Committee of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities present a collection of insights and recommendations developed from their collective experience, intended for those engaged in the work of healthcare ethics consultation.
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  7. The Effects of Ethical Codes on Ethical Perceptions of Actions Toward Stakeholders.Joseph A. McKinney, Tisha L. Emerson & Mitchell J. Neubert - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):505 - 516.
    As a result of numerous, highly publicized, ethical breaches, firms and their agents are under ongoing scrutiny. In an attempt to improve both their image and their ethical performance, some firms have adopted ethical codes of conduct. Past research investigating the effects of ethical codes of conduct on behavior and ethical attitudes has yielded mixed results. In this study, we again take up the question of the effect of ethical codes on ethical attitudes and find strong evidence to suggest that (...)
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  8. The Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective.Joseph A. DiNoia - 1992
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    Supervising the Unethical Selling Behavior of Top Sales Performers: Assessing the Impact of Social Desirability Bias.Joseph A. Bellizzi & Terry Bristol - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (4):377-388.
    . This study measures social desirability bias (SD bias) by comparing the level of discipline sales managers believe they would administer when supervising unethical selling behavior with the level of discipline they perceive other sales managers would select. Results indicate the presence of SD bias; the sales manager respondents consistently claimed that they would be stricter while their peers would be more lenient. Using an analytical technique that takes social desirability bias into account, it appears that sales managers use of (...)
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  10.  20
    Panentheism and the Classical God-World Relationship: A Systems-Oriented Approach.Joseph A. Bracken - 2015 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 36 (3):207-225.
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  11. Bioethics, Adaptive Preferences, and Judging the Quality of a Life with Disability.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (1):199-220.
    Both mainstream and disability bioethics sometimes contend that the self-assessment of disabled people about their own well-being is distorted by adaptive preferences that are only held because other, better options are unavailable. I will argue that both of the most common ways of understanding adaptive preferences—the autonomy-based account and the well-being account—would reject blanket claims that disabled people’s QOL self-assessment has been distorted, whether those claims come from mainstream bioethicists or from disability bioethicists. However, rejecting these generalizations for a more (...)
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  12.  70
    The challenge of leadership accountability for integrity capacity as a strategic asset.Joseph A. Petrick & John F. Quinn - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):331 - 343.
    The authors identify the challenge of holding contemporary business leaders accountable for enhancing the intangible strategic asset of integrity capacity in organizations. After defining integrity capacity and framing it as part of a strategic resource model of sustainable global competitive advantage, the stakeholder costs of integrity capacity neglect are delineated. To address this neglect issue, the authors focus on the cultivation of judgment integrity to handle behavioral, moral and hypothesized economic complexities as key dimensions of integrity capacity. Finally, the authors (...)
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  13.  56
    Panentheism and the Classical God-World Relationship: A Systems-Oriented Approach.S. J. Joseph A. Bracken - 2015 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 36 (3):207-225.
    Panentheism has become a familiar term in contemporary Christian systematic theology and philosophy, for it is widely believed to be an appropriate way to overcome the alleged dualism found in the classical God-world relationship. But what is meant by the term panentheism, and how does it work so as to avoid becoming still another form of pantheism or cosmic monism? In 2004 Philip Clayton and the late Arthur Peacocke published a set of papers on the topic of panentheism that came (...)
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  14.  17
    Society and Spirit: A Trinitarian Cosmology.Joseph A. Bracken - 1991 - Susquehanna University Press.
    Alfred North Whitehead's master work, Process and Reality, is intended to extend the cosmological vision of Whitehead in a new direction. By interpreting societies within Whitehead's scheme as structured fields of activity, the author projects a universe of hierarchically ordered fields of activity, up to and including the all-compassing field of activity constituted by the Christian Trinity.
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    The Distinction Between Curative and Assistive Technology.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1125-1145.
    Disability activists have sometimes claimed their disability has actually increased their well-being. Some even say they would reject a cure to keep these gains. Yet, these same activists often simultaneously propose improvements to the quality and accessibility of assistive technology. However, for any argument favoring assistive over curative technology to work, there must be a coherent distinction between the two. This line is already vague and will become even less clear with the emergence of novel technologies. This paper asks and (...)
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  16.  69
    The Negative Theology of Maimonides and Aquinas.Joseph A. Buijs - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (4):723 - 738.
    IN A RECENT ARTICLE, the late Isaac Franck presented both Maimonides and Aquinas as prominent proponents of negative theology; he went on to defend negative theology against a number of contemporary criticisms. More specifically, Franck set out to defend what he called "a radical negative theology." By this he meant.
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  17. First Corinthians: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.Joseph A. Fitzmyer - 2008
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    A closer look at the text of gaudium et spes on marriage and the family.Joseph A. Selling - 1982 - Bijdragen 43 (1):30-48.
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    A Thomas More Celebration at the Commencement of his Five - Hundredth Year.Joseph A. Morris - 1977 - Moreana 14 (1):33-34.
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    Incomplete Contracts Theories of the Firm and Comparative Corporate Governance.Joseph A. McCahery & William W. Bratton - 2001 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 2 (2).
    This article draws on key models of monitoring and blockholding articulated in the incomplete contracts theory of the firm. Under incomplete contracts theory, different governance systems have incentive structures that entail different tradeoffs—tradeoffs between ownership concentration and liquidity, between monitoring and management initiative, and between private rent-seeking and activity benefiting shareholders as a group. The tradeoffs delimit opportunities for productive cross-reference. More specifically, blockholder systems, such as those in Europe, subsidize monitoring by permitting blockholders to reap private benefits of control (...)
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  21.  22
    The metaphysical grounding for a multi-term approach to human nature.Joseph A. Bracken - 1998 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 19 (3):241 - 253.
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  22.  20
    Stimulus meaningfulness and unlearning in the A-B, A-C transfer paradigm.Joseph A. Bryk & Donald H. Kausler - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (6):917.
  23. How an Ideology of Pity Is a Social Harm to People with Disabilities.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2010 - Social Philosophy Today 26:121-134.
    In academic philosophy and popular culture alike, pity is often framed as a virtue or the emotional underpinnings of virtue. Yet, people who are the most marginalized and, hence, most often on the receiving end of pity, assert that it is anything but an altruism. How can we explain this disconnect between an understanding of pity as a virtuous emotion versus a social harm? My paper answers this question by showing how pity is not only an emotion, but also a (...)
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  24. A woman's honor : purity norms and male violence.Joseph A. Vandello & Vanessa Hettinger - 2016 - In Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou (eds.), Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington.
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    A Case of Misplaced Concreteness?Joseph A. Bracken - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (2):259-269.
    The author argues that, while logical rigor requires Whiteheadians to emphasize the ontological priority of the notion of actual entity as a self-constituting subject of experience for the proper understanding of physical reality. Whitehead's understanding of the key category of society in his metaphysics, especially the way that societies and their constituent actual entities reciprocally "constrain " one another's existence and activity and the way that societies are hierarchically ordered to one another within the evolutionary process will presumably have more (...)
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  26.  20
    Commentary.Joseph A. Pichler - 1982 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (1):67-72.
  27.  6
    Maimonides: A Collection of Critical Essays.Joseph A. Buijs - 1990
    The essays in this book deal with philosophical issues in the thought of Maimonides. Included are: The Literary Character of the Guide for the Perplexed by Leo Staus, The Purpose of the Law According to Maimonides by Miriam Galston, and Essence and Existence in Maimonides by Alexander Altmann.
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    A realist/postmodern concept of culture.Joseph A. Maxwell - 1999 - In E. L. Cerroni-Long (ed.), Anthropological theory in North America. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey. pp. 143--173.
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  29. Zhu Xi’s Spiritual Practice as the Basis of His Central Philosophical Concepts.Joseph A. Adler - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (1):57-79.
    The argument is that (1) the spiritual crisis that Zhu Xi discussed with Zhang Shi 張栻 (1133–1180) and the other “gentlemen of Hunan” from about 1167 to 1169, which was resolved by an understanding of what we might call the interpenetration of the mind’s stillness and activity (dong-jing 動靜) or equilibrium and harmony (zhong-he 中和), (2) led directly to his realization that Zhou Dunyi’s thought provided a cosmological basis for that resolution, and (3) this in turn led Zhu Xi to (...)
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  30.  32
    Proposals for Overcoming the Atomism Within Process-Relational Metaphysics.Joseph A. Bracken - 1994 - Process Studies 23 (1):10-24.
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  31. The Acts of the Apostles: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.Joseph A. Fitzmyer - 1998
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  32. Doing ethics from experience: Pragmatic suggestions for a feminist disability advocate’s response to prenatal diagnosis.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (2):48-78.
    While disability theory and feminist theory share a great deal in their methodology and could potentially share quite a bit in their political commitments, there is a tension or conflict between these two approaches as they evaluate prenatal diagnosis. For the feminist disability advocate, this can be thought of as a type of ideological double bind. This paper will dissolve this tension by way of John Dewey’s version of American pragmatism. First, I will map out the landscape of the prenatal (...)
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  33.  63
    Faith, Reason, and Worldviews: A critical response to William Sweet and Hendrik Hart, Responses to the Enlightenment: An Exchange on Foundations, Faith, and Community , ISBN: 978-90-420-3447-1, xiv + 294 pp.Joseph A. Buijs - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):701-709.
    This critical review of Responses to the Enlightenment focuses on the relationship between faith and reason as advanced by Hendrick Hart and William Sweet, respectively. It does so in the context of Enlightenment critique of faith, from which both Hart and Sweet seek to salvage religious faith. While faith as trust is admitted to be performative (Hart), faith is also belief with cognitive content (Sweet). However, faith and reason, as I contend, stand in a dialectical relationship between the need for (...)
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  34.  27
    Humanism as a Philosophy.Joseph A. Walsh - 1932 - Modern Schoolman 10 (1):6-8.
  35.  71
    Whiteheadian Societies as Open-Ended Systems and Open-Ended Systems as Whiteheadian Societies.Joseph A. Bracken - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (1):64-85.
    In this essay I defend two interrelated theses. The first is that Whiteheadian structured societies are best understood as open-ended systems akin to those currently being proposed in the natural and social sciences by Stuart Kauff­man, David Sloan Wilson, and Niklas Luhmann. The second is that an open-ended system is best understood in terms of an ongoing interplay of subjectivity and objectivity, which I derive from a modest rethinking of the workings of a Whiteheadian structured society.
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  36.  95
    Cognitive universalism and cultural relativity in moral education.Joseph A. Diorio - 1976 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 8 (1):33–53.
  37.  57
    (1 other version)Cognitive thought and 'immediate' experience.Joseph A. Leighton - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (7):174-180.
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  38. The dynamic developmental theory of ADHD: Reflections from a cognitive energetic model standpoint.Joseph A. Sergeant - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):442-443.
    “A dynamic developmental theory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and combined subtypes” is a major contribution linking comparative psychology with clinical developmental neuropsychopathology. In this commentary, I place some critical remarks concerning the theory's explanation of sleep problems, inhibition, error monitoring, and motor control.
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  39. A Maimonidean Critique of Thomistic Analogy.Joseph A. Buijs - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):449-470.
    On the question of language about God, Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas propose directly opposing viewpoints. Whereas Aquinas explicitly argues in favour of an analogical use and against an equivocal use, Maimonides on the contrary argues against an analogical use and in favour of an equivocal use of terms when applied to God. Although their respective concepts of analogical meaning appear to differ, I argue on the basis of an analysis of the criteria for analogical predication implicit in each that (...)
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  40.  22
    Chinese and Japanese Ethics and the Promise of Global Ethics in Business.Joseph A. Petrick - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4):591-593.
  41. The Upward Way.Joseph A. Vance - 1945
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  42. (1 other version)The enterprise of education.Joseph A. Lauwerys - 1955 - London,: Ampersand.
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    Expecting a Hymn, Encountering An Argument: Introducing the Rhetoric of Philippians and Pauline Interpretation.Joseph A. Marchal - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (3):245-255.
    Paul's letter to the Philippians, a dense and dynamic piece of rhetoric, is too often overlooked in Pauline interpretation. Careful, critical analysis of the argument in the letter as a whole, as well as its famous hymn, attunes the interpreter to the ethical and political dimensions of this important document.
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  44. The Letter to Philemon: A New Translation and Commentary.Joseph A. Fitzmyer - 2000
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    Actual Entities and Socities, Gene Mutations and Cell Development.Joseph A. Bracken - 2013 - Process Studies 42 (1):64-76.
    A superposition of the field ofmeaning or set of concepts proper to process philosophy and theology upon the field ofmeaning proper to contemporary biology (in what Mary Gerhart and Allan Russell call “metaphoric process”) yields some interesting results for both disciplines. Gene mutations within cells can be philosophically explained as a society of actual entities deviating from the normal pattern ofdevelopment within the structured society proper to a cell and the different genes at work in it. The notion of supervenience (...)
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  46. Research ethics capacity development in Africa: Exploring a model for individual success.A. L. I. Joseph, Adnan A. Hyder & Nancy E. Kass - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (2):55-62.
    The Johns Hopkins-Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program (FABTP) has offered a fully-funded, one-year, non-degree training opportunity in research ethics to health professionals, ethics committee members, scholars, journalists and scientists from countries across sub-Saharan Africa. In the first 9 years of operation, 28 trainees from 13 African countries have trained with FABTP. Any capacity building investment requires periodic critical evaluation of the impact that training dollars produce. In this paper we describe and evaluate FABTP and the efforts of its trainees.Our data (...)
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    Substance-Society-Natural System.Joseph A. Bracken - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):3-13.
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  48.  39
    The right to assistive technology.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (5):247-271.
    In this paper, I argue that disabled people have a right to assistive technology, but this right cannot be grounded simply in a broader right to health care or in a more comprehensive view like the capabilities approach to justice. Both of these options are plagued by issues that I refer to as the problem of constriction, where the theory does not justify enough of the AT that disabled people should have access to, and the problem of overextension, where the (...)
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  49.  74
    Disability and the Damaging Master Narrative of an Open Future.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (S1):30-36.
    It is sometimes argued that medical professionals should protect a future child's rights by prohibiting disabled parents from using technology to deliberately have a disabled child because disability is taken as an inevitable, severe threat to a child's otherwise “open” future. I will first argue that the open future that allegedly protects a child's future autonomy is precluded by the very conditions needed to develop that future autonomy. Any child's future will be narrowed as they are socialized in a way (...)
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  50.  22
    Comments on Calvert's 'Dualism and the problem of evil'.Joseph A. Novak - 1987 - Sophia 26 (1):42-49.
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